Welcome all,
This blog isn't really a blog. It actually a place where you can put up interesting case reports of patients that you might have seen on a ward, clinic etc. So why use a blog? Its a lot more convenient to use one to do something of this sort.

So how does this work?
Well anyone can submit a case reports to this site.
Case reports should be kept as anonymous as possible and ideally should have the following:
1. A concise history
2. Findings on clinical examination
3. Observations
4. Investigations
(Abnormal blood test results, radiological investigations, ECGs etc)

Any pictures or photographs do not have to be of the patient being discussed but could be any online image that looks similar (Google Image it, but mind the copyright). These submited case reports will be uploaded on to this blog site as soon as possible. To make it fun the diagnosis would be posted a week after the case report was uploaded. This would allow readers to attempt to diagnose the patient by posting on the site (with hopefully an explaination of how they reached that diagnosis).

We are looking to give away prizes for the best case report so hurry up and mail all those patient histories that have been lying in a book gathering dust.

Medical Case Reports by medicalsansar


June 20, 2009 at 12:12 PM Anonymous said...

This is very important.

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